简介 Introduction
FUDCon APAC 2014/GNOME.ASIA Summit 2014 大会已圆满结束。以下报告简要介绍了大会参与人员对本次会议的满意程度等内容。同时根据调查信息,做了简单分析。This brief report is based on the official survey result of FUDCon APAC 2014/GNOME.ASIA Summit 2014.
数据来源 Data source
报告中图表统计数据来自会后进行的互联网调查。为方便统计,对原数据的内容做了适当整理和调整。去除了调查结果中重复投票、无效投票等,最终有效参与调查人数为 90 人。 另外,对大会的报名数据也进行了简单的统计。Some responds data are simplified for data analysis. Duplicate and invalid respond are removed.
数据统计分析方法 Analyze method
数据经整理后导出为 csv 文件,由 R 做图。The survey data was exported to CSV file and anylized in R.
调查结果 Survey result
1. 参会者性别 Gender of the attendees
根据报名数据,对参会者性别进行了统计。统计结果分两组:第一组为已报名,并最终签到;第二组为所有报名人员。从结果可看出参会者以男性为主, 225 人,而报名人数中共有 365 人为男性。The first figure reflects the gender proportion of the checked in attendees, the second figure shows the gender proportion of all the attendees who regsistered on the web. Both figures shows that male attendees play the major role.
2. 如何得知本次活动 How do you get to know the information of this conference
如何得知本次活动 (How did you know the conference?) | 票数 (Vote) |
朋友推荐 Friends | 35 |
邮件列表 Mailing List | 29 |
社交网络(Google Plus/微博等) Social Networks (Google Plus/Weibo etc) | 29 |
媒体报道 News Report | 9 |
网络论坛/BBS Web Forums/BBS | 9 |
其他 Other | 4 |
3. 参会者对本次会议日程和题目安排的总体感觉 Total feeling about the schedule and topics of the conference
感觉分数为 1-5 分。5 分表示感觉最满意。The options range from 1 to 5, which 5 means very satisfied.
满意度 Total Feel | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
得票数 Votes | 0 | 3 | 13 | 33 | 31 |
80 people responded to this question, 31 of them felt very satisfied (5), 33 thought it satisfied, 13 thought somewhat satisfied and 3 thought little satisfied.
4. 参会者职业 Occupation
职业(Occupation) | 人数(Number) |
公司职员 Company Employee | 49 |
在校学生 Enrolled Student | 28 |
政府/非营利组织成员Government/Non-profit Organization Member | 3 |
自由职业者 Freelancer | 8 |
其它 Other | 0 |
88 people responded to the question, company employee takes the major role of the attendees' occupation.
5. 对会场的满意程度 Satisfication to the conference hall service
满意度 Satisfication degree | 票数 Vote |
非常满意 Very satisfied | 45 |
比较满意 Moderately satisfied | 32 |
一般般 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied | 6 |
不太满意 Moderately dissatisfied | 2 |
非常不满意 Very dissatisfied | 0 |
其它 Other (无线不太好用 WiFi service not good) | 1 |
6. 最喜欢的演讲题目 Favourite speech
在最喜欢的演讲题目调查中,共 61 人对问题作出了回答,另有 29人未对问题做出答复。答复者中有的回答列出了不止一个演讲题目,为统计方便,仅保留第一选择。Totally 61 people gave their opinions. Some answers contains more than one answer, but only the first one is used as valid vote. Another 29 didn't answer the question.
Title | Votes |
Computing, Freedom and Privacy | 17 |
A perspective for systemd | 11 |
Integrating Open-source Hardware into School Curricula: The Community Development of Scratch and Sensors in Taiwan | 3 |
Ramblings from the governing body of the GNOME Foundation | 3 |
FOSS & Education in Taiwan with Ezilla project | 2 |
Next Generation Input methods | 2 |
openQA and Automated Desktop Testing | 2 |
‘CD’ using Docker | 1 |
Bringing Indonesian scripts and local languages to GNOME | 1 |
Creating a Free World In Computer Classrooms | 1 |
Fedora on ARM | 1 |
Fedora.Next: Features and Friends | 1 |
Firefox OS | 1 |
Free software | 1 |
Gnome document translation | 1 |
GNOME Documentation: helping you learn and give back | 1 |
GStreamer debugging with GstPadProbe | 1 |
HackRF and GNURadio | 1 |
How to ignore users' needs | 1 |
Life of Translator | 1 |
Local weather information and GNOME shell extension | 1 |
Sandboxed Applications for GNOM | 1 |
What we do on promoting FOSS in China | 1 |
What’s cooking in GNOME - 3.12 under the hood | 1 |
The most liked speech is Computing, Freedom and Privacy, the second is A perspective for systemd. The votes of the two hold almost half of the whole votes.
7. 最不喜欢的演讲题目 Least favourite speech
在对最不喜欢的演讲题目的回答中,共 33 人对问题作出了回答。明确指出不喜欢题目的回答为 15 个。另有 57人未对问题做出答复。33 answered the question, and 15 of them pointed out the speech name they didn't like.
8. 对组织方工作的感觉 Feel about the organizer
44 人认为大会组织十分有序,35 人认为组织还算有序,6 人认为有些混乱,另有 5 人未对问题做出回答。Feel about the organizer | Number |
十分有序 Well organized | 44 |
有点混乱 Slightly organized | 6 |
还算有序 Somewhat organized | 35 |
9. 印象深刻的展台 Impressive booth
关于大会展台的调查为多选。共79 人做出回答。回答结果显示:回答者认为印象最深的展台为 SUSE,其次为 Red Hat,第三是 OpenSUSE。印象深刻的展台 (Impressive booth) | 票数 (Vote) |
SUSE | 48 |
Red Hat | 39 |
OpenSUSE | 23 |
Deepin | 21 |
禅道 Zentao | 15 |
北京Linux用户组 BLUG | 13 |
哲思社区 ZEUUX | 8 |
Fedora 中文用户组 FZUG | 6 |
机械工业出版社 China Machine Press | 3 |
CSDN/Tencent Foundation | 2 |
Seafile | 2 |
Startest | 1 |
10. The attendees' view on Richard Stallman's speech.
There is a question on attendees' view to Richard Stallman's speech, that is, what do you think of Richard Stallman's speech? The content of the respondent's answer varys from each other. It's not a good idea to use the answers directly and make a figure. So a very simple mapping is used to simplify the answers. The answers are divided into 3 classes, that is, Positive, Neutral and Negative. The answer reflects positive view, then it is classified to Positive, while if the an answer expresses the feeling of negative, disagree or likewise, it is classified to Negative. This mapping is not perfect, even subjective, but it can reflect the attendees' view on the speech. There are 64 people answered this question. Two of these respondents didn't attend the speech, so the valid answers are 62. The mapping answers and original answers are listed below.你认为Richard Stallman (RMS) 的主演讲如何? What do you think of Richard Stallman’s speech? | 票数 Vote |
Negative | 5 |
Neutral | 11 |
Positive | 46 |
Mapping answers | Original answers |
Positive | 很幽默 |
Neutral | just so so :) |
Positive | A good person living and fighting and putting his trust on others. |
Positive | very excited to see him! |
Positive | 有些激进,不过出发点是好的 |
Positive | It was the best keynote |
Positive | 不能完全听明白,但是很精彩。 |
Neutral | 英文听力不够好,没怎么听懂, |
Positive | Very good,impeccable! |
Positive | 很精彩。 |
Positive | 挺有意思的,虽然还是老一套。 |
Positive | 不错 ;) |
Positive | very interesting and enlightening |
Neutral | OK |
Positive | 非常好,两天之内唯一值得听的演讲 |
Positive | perfect! |
Positive | great! |
Positive | 大神,我要给你生孩子!! |
Positive | Awesome! |
Positive | richards talk was surprisingly good. i have heard him before and in this talk he has improved his argumentation and avoided political commentary. |
Neutral | 除了比较偏激,其它都好。毕竟大神的世界观不是我等能够理解的。 |
Neutral | Reiteration and similar to previous talks, which is a good thing and bad thing. However, some information was specific Chinese. |
Positive | It was good because of the very clear message, as usual. |
Negative | not enough for geeks |
Positive | great |
Negative | 没想法……老一套…… |
Positive | Very good. |
Positive | His ideas has been so clear spreaded and understund. What I like do is show my respect to him. I do not need to listen the ideas again and again, but to practice it. |
Neutral | It felt like preaching to the choir |
Positive | Great! |
Positive | 完美! |
Positive | funny |
Positive | 好! |
Positive | It’s nice as usual |
Positive | RMS is a good speaker. |
Neutral | Hope huge number of RMS “supporters” in 2014 GNOME.Asia Summit & FUDCon APAC . |
Positive | Awesome. |
Positive | Impressive, and educating. |
Negative | I disagree with him on most stuff and always wonder why people invite him. |
Neutral | OK |
Positive | NICE |
Positive | 很不错。见到了真正的技术牛人,十分有思想。演讲很有意思。 |
Positive | nice! |
Positive | Yeah! Interesting,and I like it. |
Positive | Great. Easy to understand for non-English speaking people. 非常好,对英语不是母语的听众来说容易理解。 |
Positive | very good |
Negative | 一般,一直在重复 |
Positive | Have been watched twice in reality and many times in the air, still impressive to me,especially his 4 freedoms theory. |
Positive | very good |
Positive | very interesting |
Positive | 风趣幽默 |
Neutral | Fair |
Neutral | Cannot say bad about it. That’s one of very few that topic non-tech savvy can understand. |
Positive | Very moving |
Positive | Excellent, I believe he is right about his opinion |
Positive | RMS can be a polarising figure, but he did not get into any arguments and gave a good talk. It was great! |
Negative | I saw almost the same talk 5 years ago, just updated :). I didn’t like his attacks during QA section to the audience. |
Positive | Good! Articulate, fluent language. |
Positive | 非常贴切活动主题及与会人员身份。 计算机信息和自由软件的精神,都是参与本次活动人员所重视的! |
Positive | I think the topic will becoming more and more important in the future.Also more and more popular. And I like it very much. |
Neutral | 我覺得講得很好、很精彩,只不過他對於 non-free software 的想法和態度比我想像中的激進很多,我比較不認同。當然我同意 free software 是比較好的發行軟體的方法。有了 free software 帶來的自由,才能使得我們可以自由修改,把軟體變成自己喜歡、想要的樣子。 |
Positive | I strongly have respect him, not only just say something, but also do as his own life (he doesn’t use any proprietary / non-free software, services, …). I can’t do as him (e.g., I sometimes use Facebook), but his talk hit my mind. |
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